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Sensitive teeth

sensitive teeth

We understand that the twinge of dental sensitivity can turn your favorite treats into your worst nightmares. Hypersensitive teeth can make enjoying a hot cup of coffee or a cold scoop of ice cream a painful experience.

Our friendly dentists in Etobicoke, ON is equipped with the knowledge and tools to turn those winces back into smiles. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the chilly depths of tooth sensitivity, shedding light on its causes, symptoms and potential solutions

Causes of sensitive teeth

Sensitive teeth can stem from a variety of issues, including tooth decay, worn enamel, exposed tooth roots, receding gums, and aggressive brushing habits. Our dental office in Etobicoke is well-versed in identifying these culprits and crafting personalized treatment plans to shield your teeth from sensitivity’s icy grip.

Signs of Sensitive Teeth

If you find yourself wincing when you consume hot or cold beverages or foods, it might be a sign that you have sensitive teeth. This sudden discomfort can stem from various issues, including an exposed tooth root, enamel erosion, or the presence of a cavity, which makes your teeth more reactive to temperature extremes.

Similarly, if you notice that your teeth are particularly sensitive to acidic or sweet foods and drinks, this could also be an indicator of underlying dental issues like enamel erosion or cavities. These conditions can weaken your teeth’s defenses and make them more susceptible to pain when exposed to certain dietary substances.

Moreover, for individuals with sensitive teeth, cold weather can be a challenge. Some might experience significant pain when breathing in cold air. This reaction further underscores the heightened sensitivity of the teeth to temperature changes, even those encountered in the environment, not just from food and drink. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to consult with a dental professional who can identify the cause of your tooth sensitivity and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Tooth sensitivity caused by receding gums. Common treatment options include gum plastic surgery or resin bonding to seal exposed root structure

Treatment Options for sensitive teeth

Our treatment arsenal is stocked with solutions tailored to your unique needs, from desensitizing toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) to fluoride treatments, bonding, gum grafts, and even root canal surgery for the most severe cases. At Thorncrest Dental, we’re committed to relieving your pain and protecting your smile with the most effective and comfortable treatments available.

Procedure Details: How to treat sensitive teeth

At Thorncrest Dental, the journey to alleviating tooth sensitivity is paved with personalized care. Our approach begins with a thorough evaluation to identify the root cause of your sensitivity. Here’s what to expect:

  • Initial Consultation: A detailed discussion about your symptoms, dietary habits, and oral hygiene practices.
  • Oral Examination: A comprehensive check to spot signs of decay, wear, and gum disease.
  • Diagnostic Tests: Including X-rays or sensitivity tests to pinpoint the exact areas of concern.
  • Treatment Planning: Based on the diagnosis, we’ll propose a tailored treatment plan. This may include one or more of the following:
    • Desensitizing Treatments: Application of specialized toothpaste or gels to block pain signals from the nerve.
    • Fluoride Therapy: In-office or at-home fluoride treatments to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce pain.
    • Dental Bonding: Applying a protective resin to exposed roots or damaged areas.
    • Gum Graft Surgery: For severe cases where gum recession exposes roots, grafting can cover exposed areas and reduce sensitivity.
    • Root Canal Therapy: A definitive solution for persistent, severe sensitivity not relieved by other treatments.

Each procedure is performed with the utmost care, ensuring your comfort and addressing the specific needs of your hypersensitive teeth.

Recovery and prevention of sensitive teeth

Post-treatment care is crucial for maintaining the health of your teeth and preventing the return of sensitivity. Following any procedure, we provide detailed aftercare instructions tailored to your specific treatment. Here are some general guidelines to ensure a smooth recovery:

  • Oral Hygiene: Continue brushing gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and floss daily.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Avoid acidic foods and drinks that can aggravate sensitivity and wear down enamel.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular check-ups allow us to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
  • Protective Measures: For those who grind their teeth, wearing a custom-fitted mouth guard at night can prevent further damage.

Our team is always here to support you through your recovery, offering tips and advice to keep your smile bright.

Why choose Thorncrest Dental for sensitive teeth in Etobicoke

Choosing Thorncrest Dental means opting for a relief from the clutches of sensitive teeth. With our expert team, modern treatments, and a compassionate approach, we not only alleviate your current discomfort but also arm you against future sensitivity.

Our preventative advice and personalized care ensure that your smile is not just beautiful, but also strong and resilient against sensitivity’s chill.

Our commitment to patient education and preventive care underscores our dedication to achieving lasting relief from tooth sensitivity for our Etobicoke community, making Thorncrest Dental the preferred choice for managing sensitive teeth with professional expertise and compassionate care.

Frequently asked questions about sensitive teeth

1. What causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can arise from various factors such as tooth decay, worn enamel, exposed roots, and aggressive brushing habits.

2. How do I know if I have sensitive teeth?

Symptoms of tooth sensitivity include sharp pain while consuming hot or cold foods, discomfort when breathing in cold air, or sensitivity to sweet or acidic foods.

3. How does Thorncrest Dental diagnose sensitive teeth?

At Thorncrest Dental, we conduct a thorough evaluation which includes a detailed discussion about your symptoms, oral examination, and diagnostic tests such as X-rays or sensitivity tests to pinpoint areas of concern.

4. What treatment options are available for sensitive teeth?

Our treatment options range from desensitizing toothpaste approved by the ADA to fluoride treatments, dental bonding, gum grafts, and root canal surgery for severe cases.

5. How do desensitizing treatments work?

Desensitizing treatments involve the application of specialized toothpaste or gels to block pain signals from reaching the nerve, providing relief from sensitivity.

6. What is fluoride therapy, and how does it help?

Fluoride therapy strengthens tooth enamel and reduces sensitivity by remineralizing the enamel, making teeth more resistant to acid attacks and decay.

7. Can dental bonding help with tooth sensitivity?

Yes, dental bonding involves applying a protective resin to exposed roots or damaged areas, which helps to alleviate sensitivity and protect the tooth.

Gum graft surgery is recommended for severe cases of gum recession where roots are exposed. It involves covering exposed areas with grafts to reduce sensitivity and protect the tooth.

9. When is root canal therapy necessary for sensitive teeth?

Root canal therapy becomes necessary for persistent and severe sensitivity that is not relieved by other treatments. It involves removing infected or damaged pulp from the tooth to alleviate pain and save the tooth.

10. How can I ensure lasting relief from tooth sensitivity?

Following your treatment, it’s crucial to maintain good oral hygiene, avoid acidic foods, attend regular check-ups, and consider protective measures such as wearing a mouth guard if you grind your teeth. These steps help to prevent the return of sensitivity and keep your smile bright and pain-free.

Ready to book your appointment today?

Most common dental problems we fix

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Teeth sensitivity

All the common reasons for teeth sensitivity and best management protocols

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Best option to replace missing teeth

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Tooth infection: reasons and management

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